Takimi ne Embassy of the Kingdom of the Netherlands!

Gjate takimit ne Embassy of the Kingdom of the Netherlands me Znj Heike ten Den (Policy Officer) ku paraqitem projektet dhe pune e Shoqates “QSNNN”Fushe-Arrez ne nje vit e gjysem aktivitet…Shprehim mirenjohjen dhe rrespektin per Znj Heike per gadishmerin e saj dhe te Ambasades per te na mbeshtetur ne projektet tona ne te ardhmen!

[ngg_images source=”galleries” container_ids=”3″ display_type=”photocrati-nextgen_basic_slideshow” gallery_width=”600″ gallery_height=”400″ cycle_effect=”fade” cycle_interval=”10″ show_thumbnail_link=”1″ thumbnail_link_text=”Kliko mbi foto” order_by=”sortorder” order_direction=”ASC” returns=”included” maximum_entity_count=”500″]

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